Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The start of it all

Alright so here I go starting a blog so I can keep you all updated on my exciting journey. That is if I can remember to keep updating it. I leave tomorrow and am just as nervous as I am excited. I know it will be an amazing adventure and I am so happy to be doing this instead of starting off with college. I just want to thank everyone so much for all the money that they donated to me through my rough patch. The money that is left over that wasn't needed for medical bills and such I will be using to help pay for this trip. You all donated to help me so I'm going to put that money into this trip where I can have a turn helping others. It means so much to me how much care came from my tight knit community and I love you all! Tomorrow will be crazy and I cant wait to be in Dominican Republic and explore some new things:)


  1. ugh!! the first one I wrote got lost... I love you and miss you already :( This is a great idea pleas try and keep up with the blog we will enjoy it . Have fun ! Be safe !. Love you tons! :) Annette & the "family"

  2. Look forward to hearing every detail! xoxo
