Tuesday, September 9, 2014

SO hot but just as beautiful

Let me start this blog of with our sunday excursion. Sunday we traveled with the CIEE study abroad students to Playa Ensenada. It was really nice to meat a bunch of them and there's even a girl from Portland that is one of the study abroad students. Such a small world. So anyway we went to the beach and it was BEAUTIFUL! We got there and right off they took a group of us on a boat ride to where we could go snorkeling. The boat ride was very awesome and we kept getting slapped in the face with some water, but I can't say that I didn't like it. We got to a little island and jumped out to try out some snorkeling. I wasn't the only one who was new at it so it was a huge relief. It scared me at first because when you first look down you see all these fish just swimming around you. Because in Maine I'm used to the fish scampering away as soon as you get anywhere near them. These fish were beautiful a lot of them were blue, green and yellow, I was also swimming above the coral reefs as well and they were almost at pretty as the fish. By the time we had all finished there were many of us that were so ready to chow down on some Dominican food. So we got back to the beach and had some lunch, a little ice cream and some relaxing time on the beach. Compared to Maine the water was like bath water, so much nicer than at Reid state park. After our refreshing expedition Monday was the start of our classes. We started the day off with a spanish class. The whole class was just taking a placement test, which I didn't understand half of. Then we all walked home for some lunch and stopped on the way home to get some aloe vera for our newly scorched skin. Lunch was great I got to chat with my host parents a lot who know a little english so they are always helping me with my spanish. After lunch we headed back to have another class at the school called ALPI. This time it wasn't spanish but it was a class on how to teach english. I actually really liked it and I think that will be one of the things I choose to do for my volunteer work. On my way home from that class I stopped to get a pair of sunglasses and found some rey bands, which are probably fake because they were only 100 pesos (about $2) but they still look great so it doesn't matter. Now I'm on my lunch break at home between my classes and I am dying of heat today. It's a killer out there but in another month ill be appreciating that when all you Mainers have a couple feet of snow. :)

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