Friday, September 19, 2014

Losing track of what day is what

I didn't even remember what I blogged about last time until I looked over my last one. It's like all the days are just mushing together and I couldn't even tell you what happened on what day, it all just happens. I am loving it here, it is so amazing to experience the culture here. From squeezing 6 people, even if they are strangers, into a car for transportation to all the new foods i get to try. I can tell you for sure that I have had rice every day, if not twice a day. Last night it was a little funny when my host mom ordered Dominos for dinner. It's so american and I never thought I would be eating that over here. 

Anyway a few days ago we traveled up to La Isabela to have a little lesson on Christopher Columbus. We were at the place that he had built a house at and could see the outline of where his house would have been. It was really cool to be able to explore this and not just sit in a classroom and hear a lecture about it. While we were there we had a glass of the most amazing lime-aid, made fresh! It was amazingly good, I don't think I can drink juice once I get home because it's all made fresh here and doesn't have all that sugar and preservatives in it. Then we had a lunch of fried chicken and fish with some rice, platons, and salad. The weather was perfect that day so there were no problems getting around. Then for the end of our first culture class we spend a little bit of time at a beach near by. The water was like warm bath water, yet still refreshing. It was so nice until I walked out a little further and found the stuff all across the bottom that was like seaweed and then hit my calf on a coral reef. I didn't get cut as bad as the other kid that came across the same problem though so I was the lucky one. Then right as we were leaving it started to rain, we had made it out just in time.

On the following saturday night the three boys and I were taken to the little food cart by my favorite intern, Grey. I had asked her what her favorite food was and she told me Yaroa and this was a place close by where we could try some out. It was also the place that invented the concoction. It was a layer of fries on the bottom then had meat and veggies pilled on top, finally covered with a nice layer of cheeses. I wasn't feeling so well that night so I did't buy one, but of course tried a bite of Greys and it was very good, I loved it. Unfortunately that night I came down with a burning fever, insane head ache and all my joint and muscles were still and in pain. My host mom gave me some meds for it and its possible that I had a little case of chikungunya. You can only get it once so I'm glad I got it over with right in the beginning. The only thing is now I get a constant red rash all over my body and it itches. It doesn't hurt but the worst part about it is the way it looks is just scary.

Besides all of the fun adventures we get to take we are also in spanish class and take a class on how to teach English. Out last class on how to teach english was yesterday but I'm thinking I might do that for one of my volunteer options. It may have been the end of that class but we will still be taking spanish every day from 9-11:30 everyday. That is completely fine with me because i really need the help and practice with my spanish. I think I am getting a little better with it but only by a tiny bit. Somehow i managed to get the highest score on our spanish placement test. It might just have been that my guesses were right. Also it could have been because I had such an amazing spanish teacher, Miss. Moorse (Mrs. Lobozzo). Recently we have also started having dance class for the last half hour of spanish class. Which is really good cause I can't dance at all and really need these classes. Our homework was to come up with a little bit of a choreographed Marangue dance, that was the dance we were learning. I'm a little worried to present that in front of the class but everything will go well... I hope.

I am loving my time here and can't wait for the many adventures I will get to take during my time here. I love trying new foods and like the music so much better here! Yes I am listening to some spanish music right now. It's all so different and I am so glad I jumped into this trip so I can discover a different part of the world.


  1. Hi Emma, it's your Aunt Maureen. We are driving our motorhome to MESA, AZ arriving Oct1. Right now we are on the highway heading to Alburquere NM. I do not drive the RV so I am a passenger with time on my hands! I loved reading your blog. You & I are so lucky to be able to travel. You are seeing new sights and I love hearing about them. Thank you for bloging. Not too much to see on the hwy here but if there are any old cars Dave points them out to me! ;) We are on rt 40 now driving thru Oklahoma. ( Home of Garth Brooks, the signs are saying.)
    I did stop at a store and got Porter a tiny cowboy hat. He will pose for a pic but isn 't keen on wearing hats! Continue having a blast love, A.Maureen

  2. Hi sweetie ; I miss you and so glad you feeling better. I'm even happier your having such a wonderful time. Life goes on here fall has begun, the Harbor is still kinda busy which is nice. Love you keep writing your doing great with the blog you will so enjoy this later take care

  3. Love hearing about your adventures!
