Friday, September 5, 2014

Day two

So tonight will be my second night at my host home. My room here is WAYYYY nicer than my one at home(love you mom) I have a big bead, huge walk-in closet and my own full bathroom. I also get to be in a house that has internet which is very lucky! I have an older and younger sister and they are both very nice and I think they speak a little english. My host mom and dad are also very nice the mom can speak english some but only talks to me in spanish, I think its to help me learn easier. My spanish is sucking right now and I hate it so much and it makes me want to come home but I know it will get easier.... I hope. The heat here is crazy but It's gonna be great once it starts snowing in Boothbay, sorry everyone. I've loved all the food i've eaten here so far, mucho mucho arroz! Tomorrow we'll all learn how to take conchos(cab things that are wicked cheap) and visit some of the places we can do community service and the sunday w'll be off to the beach! Hopefully I don't get to burnt, the sunscreen will be my best friend for sure:)

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